Monday, May 3, 2010

Week-End is over, back to work!

Yes, I know. I haven't posted an update since Friday, and I'm a bad, very bad dragon keeper. The call of the sun was simply too powerful to resist, and I took my dragons out for the week end, well hidden in my purse. How, will you ask, can one hide something as big as not only one dragon but several dragons in a woman's purse? Well, dragons are magical creatures, and therefore can decide where they want to hide--and this week end, they wanted to hide in my purse. You would be amazed at the sheer volume of things I manage to hide in my purse--sometimes, I think it has no bottom. Maybe it's magical too?

Anyway, we (me, my husband and my dragons) decided that we were going to enjoy ourselves and take it easy this week end, and I have to admit that it was WONDERFUL! I barely even cooked (breakfast really doesn't count). As much as I enjoy cooking, it was truly very nice to go out and enjoy something didn't have to make for a change. We also went to see a movie yesterday, "The Losers", which was a decent action flick. No real surprises in the script, but I didn't expect any. It served its purpose, which was to simply entertain for two hours. And after that, we strolled down the mall and I had a huge warm cinnamon bun covered in gooey icing--not my typical pastry choice by far, but it was truly satisfying.

But this morning... BACK TO WORK! I did very well on my rewrites today. Stayed at it for about 6 hours, and  worked through over 100 pages--it might not seem like much, but when you do rewrites, 100 pages is a LOT, trust me. I found several passages that needed cuts, and as much as I hate trimming down my work, I can tell that the end result reads a lot better. On that subject, I found out that it's much easier for me to bring myself to do cuts if I "save" the removed material. I have a dump file where I paste all the parts I'm trimming from the current work copy, and I'm keeping it all there until I maybe find another spot in the story I can use it. I might not, mind you--but it's comforting to know that it's not totally lost.

It's now past 3pm, and I have to go grocery shopping for the week. Right now, I'm as hungry as a dragon--I forgot to eat again, immersed in my rewriting, and I could really eat a big fat steak tonight. I'm thinking two nice, thick, and juicy bone-in ribeyes with a home made "maître-d'hotel" butter (garlic, parsley, salt and pepper). And maybe a couple of fresh cut fries. Nothing fancy, in any case. Wow, just writing it down made me even hungrier. Off to the butcher I go!

Edit: I just had to post a picture of the two HUMONGOUS 2inch thick bone-in ribeye steaks we ended up eating. Vegetarians are out of their friggin minds, I'm telling you!

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